Sunday, October 25, 2009


  1. I decided to do a comparison between the old org and the new in a series of pictures. This is the first image- a picture of the rented location at which the Seattle Org is currently located.

  2. Good job putting these together here, Claire. Very sad to see the waste. What could DM have been thinking by putting orgs (and staff) into such debt and waste at a time when purchase prices could never be recouped.?

  3. Excellent job on the photos and setting up this blog Claire! As a FORMER SCN public in Seattle (out more than 5 years now), the whole "Ideal Org" reg BS was the straw that finally the camel's back for me. It was UNREAL how much pressure and coersion was brought upon me for this LIE. Instead of donating, I LEFT the church for good. Wonder how the families like the Bartells and Stoners feel after HOCKING their businesses for more than 1 MILLION $ to "Clear Seattle." Wonder what fantastic line of BS Mark Arnold is having to sling to Seattle Church memebers as to why NONE of this "Ideal Org" CRAP never played out.
